This was one of my biggest goals. In September I started to only focus on Google's bug bounty program, and after two months, at the end of October I got on the Hall of Fame by reporting a bug that recieved a bounty.
My Tweet Google Hall of Fame My HoF profile 2019 Oct 29The hungarian online IT news site organised an IT security meetup where I gave a talk about getting started in bug bounties.
Photos HWSW IT Security Meetup 2018 Jun 17Did my first ever talk at BSidesBUD2019 with the title "OWASP Top 10 Like I'm 5". My goal was to explain the bugs in the list made by OWASP to beginners in web security. Even made a video about it where I document the process from beginning to end.
My Tweet My YouTube Video BSidesBUD2019 2019 Mar 28Organised a Bug Bounty meetup at 35C5 in Germany with Jane from HackenProof. It went surprisingly well, the room we booked got full and Naffy (@nnwakelam) & Shubs (@infosec_au) gave a really interesting talk. Would do it again.
My Tweet Jane 2018 Dec 28Every year, Bugcrowd makes a design containing the names of the MVP researchers. Because I am a 2018 MVP, I got my name on this year's design!
The Design MVP Researchers 2018 Aug 10Got my opinion about Bugcrowd's new educational project named 'Bugcrowd University' mentioned in the company's press release.
My Tweet Press Release 2018 Aug 7Started a podcast with my friend Stefan Kremser (Spacehuhn) where we share our experience / discuss new topcis in the infosec world.
Spacehuhn InsecureSpace Spotify 2018 Jul 10Because of my work on the Bugcrowd platform, I got qualified to be part of the MVP hackers on the platform.
My Tweet MVP Researchers 2018 Jul 4After learning about bugbounty/appsec for a few months, got #1 on UnderArmour's responsible disclosure program.
Twitter thread Hall of Fame Bugcrowd 2018 Jun 27Started my first remote part time job as a Laravel/Vue.js web developer at ICT Solutions Kft. in Budapest.
ICT 2018 Feb 19Created lanGhost, a Python dropbox chatbot made for dropping it into a network and then controlling it remotely via Telegram.
projects/lanGhost 2018 Jan 27On dec. 27-30 I visited the 34th Chaos Communication Congress (34C3) in Germany/Leipzig. I went with 4 of my friends from Germany, Greece, Spain and from the UK and we had an assembly at the congress where we showed off our projects and made the "WiFi Satellite", a WiFi monitor together. It was an unforgettable experience.
34C3 WiFi Satellite The Team 2017 Dec 27On okt. 20-21 I volunteered and experienced a proper security conference for the first time at Hacktivity in Hungary/Budapest.
Hacktivity 2017 Okt 20Created a web "screen" interface with remote control which was used to display the schedule of programs on a LED wall at the "Szegedi Repülőnapok & Légiparádé" airplane festival.
SZKTszktScreen 2017 Sept 15After finishing the new version of the "Szegedi Menetrend Bot", I started working as a Penetration Tester at Szegedi Közlekedési Társaság.
SZKT 2017 Aug 1Started a summer job at Szegedi Közlekedési Társaság, Szeged's public transport company as a Software Developer, working on updates and new features for "Szegedi Menetrend Bot", the timetable chatbot.
SZKT projects/timetablebot 2017 Jul 1Created a Facebook Messenger timetable chatbot for Szeged's public transport with László (@Letsgo00HUN). Got big, totally unexpected media attention in Hungary.
projects/timetablebot @Letsgo00HUN 2017 Apr 25Acquired a C1 (advanced) ECL Englsh language exam.
2017 Apr 7Coded portSpider, a modular lightning fast port scanner tool for mass network scanning.
projects/portSpider 2017 Feb 19Kama (a security researcher from Greece) got in touch with me and we created KickThemOut together, a tool for kicking people off from your network with ARP spoofing.
projects/KickThemOut 2016 Dec 26Developed probeSniffer, a tool capable of sniffing for publicly broadcasted probe requests, made by other wifi devices.
projects/probeSniffer 2016 Dec 18Created mitmAP, a tool for creating a fake access point, and sniffing the connected client's data.
projects/mitmAP 2016 Oct 22Started secondary school at Tömörkény István High School in Szeged, Hungary.
2016 Sept 01Acquired a B2 (intermediate) TELC Englsh language exam.
2016 May 28